Monday 18 May 2015

Week 6 of PTS Programme

End Meeting
Summary of the 6 Week PTS Programme 

In the final week of my 6 week PTS Programme I had a meeting with my performer to discuss what has happened and how they felt at the end of the 6 week programme. This was a meeting which lasted around 1 hour-2 hours long, this is so we could discuss how my felt with the 2 different strategies I used, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the programme. 

I started by asking my client how they felt the listening to music and making their own playlist benefited them going into the game he had at the weekend. My client said that the songs chosen before the game managed to pump my client up, he felt ready for the game, and felt the music was able to block out any other irritating noise which may have made him nervous for the game. By saying that the music managed to block out any nerves which they may have had is a huge benefit of my PTS 6 week programme.

We then moved on to the next strategy which was goal setting, I made it very clear to my performer that in order for him to keep improving he has to make sure he keeps setting these goals and can't stop setting short term goals just because the 6 week programme had finished. My client went on to say that setting short term goals was definitely a positive and kept him motivated throughout the games and also gave him something to work for, however he also said that he would've liked to have pushed himself further and set much harder goals during the 6 week programme, as he felt he managed to reach these goals too easily.

At the end of the meeting myself and my client both fully agreed that the 2 strategies had fully helped their performance could tell that they felt more confident going into the game which occurred over the 6 weeks. It is vital that my performer keeps up with these strategies which can then see even more improvement over the years. 

By using to choose a meeting in my final week I was able to talk to my client face to face, we were both able to give our own feedback on how we thought the 6 week programme went. I was able to give my client feedback on their performance throughout the 6 weeks, identifying different strengths and weakness, furthermore it was a chance for me to be able to find out the different areas in which I can improve my programme, and see what my performer though of the programme.    

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