Monday 18 May 2015

Justification of my Programme

Why I chose Listening to Music

I chose listening to music as one of the strategies to use in the 6 week programme because, at the beginning of the programme in the first meeting we had my client told me that they found themselves getting nervous before games, this made me think that music could be a good way to calm my performer down before games, also they needed to find songs which did calm them down, however they still needed to get themselves pumped up for the event, therefore music would be the best way to make sure my client is able to feel ready for the game but also wasn't getting too nervous and that is why i used this strategy.   

Why I chose Goal Setting

I decided to choose goal setting as my other strategy as my client felt that they needed to improve on certain aspects of their game, also they felt at the beginning that they weren't motivated enough to be able to get better at these certain  skills. This is why i chose to do goal setting as by setting goals, this will motivate my client to work harder and harder in order for them to firstly achieve these goals and also improve these areas of their game as well. It was vital that we made sure that the goals met the SMART target aims, making sure the goals were specific to football, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based. However there were some disadvantages to using goal setting, it was important that we didn't set goals which were too high for my client and by focusing too much on that side we set goals which were possibly too easy for my client to complete and therefore was a slight disadvantage to the use of goal setting.  

Why I didn't use the Other Strategies


Imagery is where the performer visualizes themselves completing the task and then therefore this will then replay in their head when they do the task which therefore will hopefully lead to them completing the task. I didn't chose this strategy because at the time before the programme they weren't that confident at completing certain tasks, therefore when using imagery if they aren't confident they are going to visualize themselves failing the task which is not what we want my performer doing.  

Self Talk-

Self talk is very similar to imagery as the person has to talk themselves into wanting to complete the challenge and telling themselves that they can do it. Similarly I didn't choose to use this one as the motivation and confident was low in my performer and therefore they would struggle to self talk themselves enough to be able to complete the task.  

Performance Profiling-

This would be a good strategy for my client to use and i was torn to use either performance profiling and goal setting, this is because performance profiling my client could write down the areas and skills they want to improve and then keep a profile on then how they are improving their skills. I chose goal setting over this as with goal setting you can set clear long term and short term goals and keep track of them much more easily, and therefore this will keep you motivated throughout games and training sessions much more than performance profiling.    

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