Thursday 14 May 2015

Week 2 of PTS Programme

Goal Setting

Week 2 was the week where the strategies were put into place, the one I decided to choose first was goal setting. As my performer trains twice a week, I went and watch the first session he took part in this week, I watch how the session was set out by the coach and I watch what his body language was like throughout the session, I could see that he was much more comfortable with the passing drill rather than the shooting drill, and felt a lot more comfortable when was asked to defend in a drill and in the final game activity where he was able to tackle and position himself in areas he was familiar with. With it being a 2 hour session it gave me enough time to see all of this from my performer and I spoke to him for around 15 minutes- half an hour at the end of the session about goal setting.

In this discussion we had at the end of the session, I went into more detail on what a goal is and what a SMART goal is and that all the goals we set need to be SMART. 

I also asked my client whether he set himself goals for his performances, he told me that he only set himself long term goals which went on for the season, it was to complete a achieve a certain number of clean sheets in a season, this gave me the chance to tell him what a short goal is and how it can help his performance in the long run. I gave him a target for the training sessions and the game at the weekend. The training goal was to make sure he was having over 80% pass success rate in the passing drills and to try and make him feel more comfortable when shooting was to get at least 2 on target even if its easy for the keeper, the goals for the weekend game was to win at least 5 headers and win 5 tackles during the game, this may sound simple, but we wanted the goal to be SMART at the start so he can achieve it. If he was able to complete these goals in the next session and at the game at the weekend then he can increase these goals for the next week but only by 1 or 2 as my performer shouldn't push himself to early into the programme.   

The reason I chose to do goal setting in week 2 was because we were able to set goals easily and quickly at the end of the training session, it gave my performer something to motivate in the training session and also in the games he had coming up, this gave them motivation for these events and give them something to work towards. I also chose this strategy early so this gave them time to pick goals to target their weaknesses and then can help turn these weaknesses into strength within that time. 

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