Tuesday 12 May 2015

Week 1 of PTS Programme

At the start of the 6 week PTS programme there needs to be an introduction meeting for the client and their parents/carers, this meeting will lay out the strategies the performer will be using, what equipment they may need, how this will benefit them and what will be included in each week of the programme. 

This was a meeting which lasted around an hour long, this meeting had to be an hour in order to fit everything in which needed demonstrating and describing to my performer and also gave time for them or their parent/carers to ask any questions or make an requests about the programme. Furthermore this gave me time to be able to learn more about the performer, I got the chance to talk to them and see how they felt about everything they are going to be doing and what they think they will enjoy from the programme. For example with it being only week 1 we were able to set a simple short term goal which can easily be done, this was to make sure that they turned up to training/matches on time and were fully prepared for the session with full kit and equipment they will be requiring.

This meeting would also give the performer a brief description and understanding about the different strategies which I will be using (listening to music and goal setting). I told my performer that goal setting is used by all elite performing athletes and studies have shown that 90% of athletes who set goals see an improvement on behavior and performance, this gives them confidence in what they will be doing regarding goal setting cause they can see that it has worked for other athletes. The next I would be describing to them how music can benefit a performer before a game, by showing the video below. This shows how this can help the performer and I can explain that any type of music of their choice can be used when doing the 6 week programme. 
I then told the client that I would go into both strategies in much more detail when they needed to use it that week.

Why I chose to do this in the style of a meeting?    

Having this first part of the programme in the style of a meeting is very beneficial to not just the client, but to me as well, I was able to ask various questions to the client so I was able to get a good understanding of the performer personally. I had watch them perform and made a swot analyse however this was different I could go into more detail and ask my client, what he's doing outside of football, how he got into football, why he enjoys and what he finds beneficial from playing the game. Also I got to hear what he thought of my ideas of using music and goal setting and was able to know if they may already use these strategies. So therefore the meeting gave me more of an understanding of my client and I could learn a lot more about them in that hour.  

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