Monday 11 May 2015

Post Overview of my Performer

Throughout this blog I will be planning and justifying a 6 week psychological skills training plan for a sports performer, I will be using 2 different psychological strategies which help benefit them and their sports performance, this will be helping and trying to improve on their weaknesses.

The performer which I will be using to use my 6 week psychological skills training programme is a 18 year old male who plays football regularly, he is a centre back and is vice captain for his team, for someone at such a young age to be vice captain is a good achievement. My client plays at the performance level of the continuum and trains twice a week and has a competitive game every weekend. I will be referring to my client as performer A and below their is a SWOT analysis which identifies his key strengths and weaknesses, I will use this to identify which will be the best psychological strategies for me to use to help improve on the weaknesses of the performer.

SWOT Analysis

  • A leader
  • confident in their ability
  • good concentration skills
  • always eager to learn
  • thrives off positive feedback

  • easily wound up
  • nervous before games
  • argues with referee often
  • very aggressive (towards team mates and officials)

  • training twice a week
  • game on the weekends
  • in 2 days a week at college
  • part time job on some weekdays so has the day time 

  • injury
  • suspension 
  • work may need him
  • weather 

From the SWOT analysis above i have been able to identify the key areas in which performer A succeeds at during his playing time and also where performer A needs to improve. My performer needs to increase their ability to control their arousal levels, keeping themselves calm before and during games, ensuring that they aren't too nervous and wont be too aggressive for the event. At this moment before the PST programme my performer can be very aggressive, this leads to them receiving yellow/red cards and therefore getting suspended and missing out on keys games and therefore missing out on improving their ability.

The 2 psychological strategies that I have decided to choose, which I believe will help my performer would be setting goals for themselves, both short term and long term and listening to different types of music both before, during and after an upcoming game/event.     

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