Friday 15 May 2015

Week 4 of PTS Programme

Goal Setting

In week four we came back to goal setting again, this part of the programme was a review of my performers targets in previous weeks and also a chance for the client to change their goals if they needed too. I would meet with my performer before his training session to see what goals he has met and which goals he hasn't met in the 2 weeks he'd had to complete the goals. My performer manage to complete 3 of the goals that we set back in week 2, the defending and passing goals he managed to complete with ease as he was comfortable with dealing with these goals that were set. However the goal which he wasn't most comfortable with was again the shooting drill, this means that we didn't change that goal we kept it the same, as there was no point in making the goal harder, we kept it the same so my client was able to keep trying at the goal. This meeting lasted around half an hour just before  one of his training sessions,this is so we were able to look at every goal we had set and we were able to set new short term goals for the future.

We spent the end of the meeting setting new goals for my client for the next couple of weeks, mainly focusing on the goals which he has already completed and making the goals bigger harder to make sure he is constantly improving, and making sure he is fully motivated to complete these goals. We started with the defensive goals as he was most comfortable with them in game situations, having completed the five tackles and five headers won in his last game, my performer wanted to keep the same goals but increasing the amount he wanted to complete, showing he had confidence in his ability and was fully motivated to complete these goals and setting himself much harder an better goals.

I chose to do goal setting at this point as he has been giving 2 weeks to complete his first goals and then more time before the end of the 6 week programme to complete the new goals we have set for him. Also it has given my performer more time to think about their goals and therefore have an increase in motivation, which is what goal setting used for. Motivation is the key for goal setting and this is what i want my performer to get from this, making sure my performer is setting goals constantly keeping themselves motivated and constantly improving their performance. 

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